"HelloWorld".... Well I've finally decide to create an all things BIM Blog...Now I just need to figure a way to allocate the time I already don't have just to build a creative written blog about the AEC Industry and all for people to come visit. I'm an currently a Mechanical Revit Lead / Jr. Engineer @ Parsons Brinkerhoff | WSP and going on my second year into it loving every minute because I love what I do.
I'm originally from the Philadelphia area but since 2007 I have been a Los Angeles citizen. I mean come on to be by the beach and then with all the beautiful women that surround us here on the south-western coast of USA :)!! Revit, Dynamo, other engineering and design software's will be discussed and anything AEC/Tech related. For my first blog entry I figured i should run through the "HotKeys" of Revit MEP or in other words...customization of "Keyboard Shortcuts".
Some of the below shortcuts are Revits OTB and some are customized to fit my need for Mechanical, Electrical and lastly Plumbing... Email me[mrenaud8@gmail.com] if you would like the exported file for easier Importing!! Below are shortcut key commands I use daily grouped by Revit's programs interface tab's:
[System Tab]:
AT (Create Air Terminal)
DT [Create Duct]
DA [Create Duct Accessory)
DF [Create Duct Fitting)
ME (Create Mechanical Equipment)
PI (Create Pipe) PA (Create Pipe Accessory)
PF (Create Pipe Fitting)
CM (Place Family Component)
SWP (Set Work Plane)
[View Tab]:
DV (Drafting View)
PR (Plan Region)
FP (Create Floor Plan)
EL (Building Elevation)
SC (Section)
FI (Filters)
Ctrl+Shift+C (Duplicate View)
LL [Thin Lines]
3 (Create 3D View)
VE (Managing View Templates)
VR (View Range)
CAM (3d View: Camera)
ZZ (ZR) (Zoom Region)
ZA (Zoom All to Fit - all open views)
ZF (Zoom to Fit - active view)
ZS (Zoom Sheet Size)
ZO (Zoom out 2x) SB (System Browser)
TL (Tile Windows)
WT (Window Tile)
XX (Close Hidden Windows - custom)
CW (Cascade Windows)
[Analyze Tab]:
S (Create Space)
ST (Create Space Tag)
SS (Create Space Separator)
Z (Create Zone)
[Annotation Tab]:
DI (Dimension Aligned)
TG (Tag by Category)
DIA (Diameter Dimension)
ML (Model Line)
SL (Symbolic Line)
T (Text) ST (Space Tag)
SS (Space Separator)
SY (Symbol) REV (Revision Cloud)
[Manage Tab]:
SM (midpoint)
SE (endpoint)
SI (intersection)
SO (snaps off)
OS (Object Styles)
UN (Project Units)
PP (Project Parameters)
SAR (Shared Parameters)
MN (Manage Links)
RL (Reload Latest - worksets)
[Modify Tab]:
MD (Modify)
CO (Copy)
P (Properties)
RO (Rotate)
SCA (Scale)
TR (Trim - Corner)
TS (Trim - Single Element - custom)
TP (Type Properties)
MI (Pick Axis Mirror)
MII (Draw Axis Mirror)
SL (Split Element, with Delete Inner Segment option checked a lot)
AL (Align)
OF (Offset)
RP (Reference Plane)
MA (Match Type Properties)
[Add-Ins Tab]: DY (Dynamo 1.1)
[View Control Bar]:
RE (Realistic)
WF (Wire Frame)
FN (Fine Detail)
CR (Consistent Colours)
HH (Hide Element)
HC (Hide Category)
SHH (Shaded with Edges)
HL (Hidden Line)
RY (Ray Trace)
SH (Shaded)
[Miscellaneous Elements]:
VG (VV) (Visibility/Graphics)
AV (Viewport: Active Viewport)
SA (Select All Instances)
CTRL+C (copy to clipboard)
CTRL+V (paste)
CTRL+X (cut to clipboard)
HH (Temp/Hide Hide Element)
HI (Temp/Hide Isolate Element)
HR (Temp/Hide Reset)
IC (Temp/Hide Isolate Category)
BRS (Browser Organization) HK (Keyboard Shortcuts)
CAT (Family Category and Parameters)
FT (Family Types)
And i could put in more for families but I don't create families like I did a few years back (back in my modeling days) but i think you guys get the picture. A few index cards now with tape placed on the sides of your monitors and BOOM...your on your way to hotkey heaven!!
side note: make copies of those index cards with your listed shortcuts and do what I do, study them on the subway commute home at 5pm for easier remembering which leads to faster modeling, which could lead to a better job or a cool blog like this one!!
Thanks for the follow, please stay-in touch for their will be a lot more content being posted especially on parametric design (things like Dynamo, Revit API, Use of Parameters and so much more its exciting!!
Mickael Leedom Renaud
Downtown Los Angeles, CA 90017
Mechanical Design Engineer
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